Friday, February 10, 2012

I continue to wrestle with Appearances. This week the writing has gone pretty well (I think).


Recently I sent poetry to two different journals (uninvited). Haven't done that in ages. The work was rejected. I also entered a chapbook contest (for a fee) and was unsuccessful. I wasn't surprised by any of these outcomes, but what the hell. I might have surprised myself. That's always the hope--especially in the composition of a piece, let alone publication.


Am close to finishing the interview with Timothy Morton. It's been a great exchange. I'm looking forward to posting it with anticipation and a feeling of excitement.


It's snowing powdery snow. Our old, failing dog is asleep on the couch. I check occasionally to make sure that she's breathing. Sigh.


Ambient noises--the furnace, the dryer, occasional fridge chatter, the keyboard I'm sounding.



  1. nice to know i'm not the only one who gets rejextions. but here's one that truly amused me, it's from a print-on-demand company, CreateSpace. note: they are merely printing the work, they have no stake in the aesthetics. the pdf i sent them contained a lot of crossed-out and intentionally misaligned text, I informed them it was an art book and wasn't meant to be read, but they responded: Thank you for your patience while we connected with our Technical Services team regarding your text.

    Technical Services informed us that we can't pass as this is a production point of failure. The illegible text and broken up text will not pass in production. It will create manufacturing concern and would halt orders from being produced. I sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.

    what is it about this response that makes me feel like the work is being rejected by a machine not an actual person!

  2. I know what you mean, Rosaire. Sometimes formats, templates kill.

  3. Sorry to hear about your dog.
    I have Parts and other pieces on my desk to catalog for the Oberlin College Library. Could you please email me I have some questions about creating a call number/unique authority for your works with the Library of Congress.


  4. Sara,

    I emailed you a week ago. But I will do so again.

