Sunday, June 29, 2014

I'm on guitar class hiatus until late September, the community education classes being pegged to the high school's schedule.  So I've been trying to make this summer the Summer of the Chord and have been working to get comfortable with a lot of different shapes and trying to move between them with a degree of fluency.


A week or so ago I was listening to NPR and heard a man talking about learning a string instrument as an older man.  He spoke about how a child struggling to play "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" or some other rudimentary song tends to get a lot of support and encouragement, but that a grown ass man (not his vocabulary, by the way) tends to get a wholly different sort of reaction.  That really struck, uhh, a chord with me.


This summer I'm also hoping to up my musical skills into some sort of rudimentary song.  But none of that Twinkle stuff.  I'm just saying...


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