Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Today, among other things, I read Michael Hardt's The Procedures of Love/Die Verfahren der Liebe which is Number 68 in the dOCUMENTA (13) 100 Notes - 100 Thoughts / 100 Notizen - 100 Gedanken series of pamphlets.

I keep returning to this passage from the all too brief essay:

"Love in Proust, like the physical interaction of bodies in Spinoza, certainly arrives as an event, outside the march of time, unforeseeable.  And yet the event only takes place in an encounter, when multiplicities come into relation with one another and form a new composition.  This encounter does not deny the transformative powers of the event, but rather forces them to work in time.  Conceiving of love in this way, as a physics of multiplicities and a process of composition, is useful because, in addition to destroying any notion of two individuals becoming one in love, it poses love as a transformational process--one of both rupture and composition." (8)


Waiting with trepidation for the thunder storms which are supposed to roll through soon.  Nervous about trees, gutters, etc.


Been working hard at Appearances, but progress is very slow.  I write, I rewrite, I delete and rewrite again.


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