Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I got the haircut. It looks nice.

Still thinking about the earring.


Appearances is making me crazy. More accurately: I'm making myself crazy with it. It's a hot mesh (that's not a typo)!


Spent some time this afternoon with Joe Brainard's The Nancy Book.


I'm not sure too many people are reading my work at the moment. Parts and Other Pieces seems to have fallen into a black hole of some sort. But for those who are paying attention, and who care, you've probably noticed that efforts are being made to step up the investigative/philosophical/performative aspects of the work.

I have found that poetry braids strands of eros and inquiry into exceedingly delicious whips. I like the licorice ones in particular.



  1. The Nancy Book is wonderful I think. Speaking of JB, my copy of the Library of America's Collected JB came in the mail on Monday. It's 450 pp or so. Not perfect; I want Joe complete, and with a catalog raisonee, but still ... I may well take it on a road trip with me ...

  2. that your dissatisfactions have taken turns that include the "performative" puts me in mind of your turn with Geof Huth in Buffalo awhile back... yes, it is time, perhaps even time to pair off with a new collaborator...
